Hostel List

Sr. No. Name of the Hostel Hostel Type Hostel Fees (for 10 months) Refundable Security Deposit Total Hostel Fees
1 NMIMS Bengaluru Boys Hostel Boys 300000 10000 310000
2 NMIMS Bengaluru Girls Hostel Girls 300000 10000 310000
  • Taxes as applicable may be charged.

  • Refund of Hostel fee is allowed only in the case of cancellation of admission from NMIMS as under.
    Before commencement of course : Rs. 3,000/- as processing charges will be deducted
    After commencement of course : No refund

  • Students should claim refund of their deposit only after completion of entire course. However, amount will be deducted for any broken / spoiled item in the premises / flats.